Friday, August 19, 2011

Drop your Articles in L 176 or H 202 or reach the Editor-In-Chief on 0720 628 603 ( Masero Isaiah )

Drop your Articles in L 176 or H 202 or reach the Editor-In-Chief on 0720 628 603 ( Masero Isaiah )

The Holy month of Ramadhan by Maalim Salat

A blessed month has arrived. Observing it in fasting is mandated on you (the believers). During this month, the gates of Paradise will be opened and the gates of Hellfire will be closed. The evil ones (Shayaatin) will be handcuffed. In it there is one night, during which worship is better than worship in a thousand months. Whoever is denied its blessings has been denied the biggest blessing." Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h)

Ramadhan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It begins after the crescent of the new moon is spotted, is one of the most sacred Islamic observances because it marks the month in which Allah revealed the Holy Qur'an to Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h). it is the month in which the Torah was revealed to Moses and Injil (the Gospel) was revealed to Jesus bringing with it all the glory. This is the month in which the doors of heavens are kept open, doors of hell are closed and Satan is kept in chains.

It is the Islamic month of fasting, in which participating Muslims refrain from eating, drinking and sex with their partners during daylight hours and is intended to teach Muslims about patience, spirituality, humility and submissiveness to God. The act of fasting is said to redirect the heart away from worldly activities, its purpose being to cleanse the inner soul and free it from harm. It also teaches Muslims to practice self-discipline, self-control, sacrifice, and empathy for those who are less fortunate; thus encouraging actions of generosity and charity.

In addition to fasting, Muslims are encouraged to read the entire Qur'an. Some Muslims perform the recitation of the entire Qur'an by means of special night prayers, called Taraaweeh, which are held in the mosques every night of the month, during which a whole section of the Qur'an (Juz’, which is 1/30 of the Qur'an) is recited. Therefore the entire Qur'an would be completed at the end of the month. Muslims all around the world will abstain from food and drink through fasting from dawn to sunset. At sunset, they gather for the fast-breaking meal known as Iftar either at home or in the Mosques. The meal starts with the eating of three dates. Then it's time for the Maghrib prayer, after which the main meal is served. During this month, Muslims seek Laylat-al-Qadr (the Night of Decree) which falls in the last ten days. It is on this night that Prophet Muhammad first received the revelation of the Holy Quran. Any prayer or deed on this night is better than prayers performed in a thousand months and all sins are forgiven.

The elderly, the chronically ill, and the mentally ill are exempted from fasting, although the first two groups must endeavor to feed the poor in place of their missed fasting. Also exempted are the travelers, pregnant women (if they believe it would be harmful to them or the unborn baby), women during the period of their menstruation, and women nursing their newborns. This last group must make up the days they missed fasting at a later date.


This Sato marks the beginning of a fortnight Stand up Comedy Show in Campus.

Its so far gonna be the biggest Comic show in Campus. B.O.B Odhiambo (the crazy wear winner) tells us that the audience will be required to come with oxygen bags as they might lose their ribs. He further adds that the success of the show will land the incredible ERICK OMONDI of Churchill Live in the next Campus Comedy night.

The event will feature “ di howtest campus stand up comedians” , rappers, dancers e.t.c. this is a must watch show in LT 3 from 7pm this Sato for all and above all, those who will miss freshaz night. For more information contact vic 0726 700 35

Freshaz Night by Kimuge Stanley

Tom is a BBM 1st year.

This is will be his 1st Kadunda.

He will be 20 years 10 days, 5 hrs and 6 seconds old.

By the time it dawns, Tom will. . .

1.Witness 412 bottles of keg being smashed. 200 of which will be deformed beyond recognition. 50 of them will be “re-branded”.

2.Will have seen 123 fresh chics being ngurumishad by continuing dudes. Another 77 by his colleagues’ (fresher dudes will have ponyokad).40 of whom will be dumped the following day.

3.Tom will have requested the Dee Jay to play “Tokelezea” 15 times.

4.He will have danced katumbo style all night. An hour in the middle of the crowd. Four hours in the middle of nowhere.

5.He will be astonished for five minutes and amused for 20 minutes before the bash.

6 .He will have slept in the cold after his roommate made impromptu exile.

7.The ear-perching screams will have made chuckled him aloud.

8. He will have smelled 70kg of tobacco and 5 litres of busaa during the night. 55kg of which he inhales.

9 He will have given Red Cross service to 12 staggering strangers. 5 of whom will throw “bad mouth” on him. He will also save his friend Davy from brewing fight over his new catch Juliette.

10.Tom will have tried four times pestering vibes on a chic. All of which will be turned down

11.Tom will have blushed thrice after being approached by a fourth year lady.

12. He will have had 51 missed calls. 40 by her village girl (his last voicemail message will read: I tried calling you 40 times most recently 4.30am). 5 by his roommate (wanting to inquire about his whereabouts). The remaining by his mother. . .

13. Will have snatched a lady towards his room at around 5am. He will have been the last man standing in the floor. The security will have forced him to leave. . .

14. He will have spent ksh 85.50 informing his friends that kadunda imeanza. Ksh 10 will be swallowed by convincing her classmate to come.20 of the amount will have been

Safaricom sponsored.


The eagerly awaited Buuba Tournament is launched officially today by Mr. Mohamed Amin aka Buuba. Mr. Amin who is thesponsor of the event will be accompanied by several other students.

The launch will take place outside the Student Centre as from 4.00 p.m till late. All club chairmen and representatives have been invited to attend the launching.

Other activities which have been slotted for this ceremony include live music mixing, dancing competitions and rap talent search. The reigning Miss Moi will play the M.C role while DJ DOMMY who usually mixes at Chamberz Pub in collaboration with upcoming DJ KAKIM will keep the fans on their toes.

The tournament kicks off on Sunday (22nd) and ends on Saturday (27th) .

50 tickets are also up for grab for those who will arrive first and various winners in various categories.


TODAY By Victor Moguche

Today I will not gossip, I will learn to keep my big mouth shut, I will give a blind eye to things that less concern me ,or things I totally have no idea about. I will learn to mind my own business.

Today I will wave at my friend with a smile on my face, I will not frown at life….I will be happy when I see my friends doing well in their lives…I will always learn to say “thank you” when something good is done to me.

Today I will attend to all lectures without complaining of the long hours or heavy rains…, I will do my

assignments and cats without complains…I will not receive calls or text my friends during classes

Today I will call all my relatives in my phone book and tell them I miss them and love them much even if am silent most of the time, they should not take my silence as hatred..I love them all and care about them much..Today I will call my dad, mum and tell them am grateful for what they are doing in my life, to have cared for me, to have educated me this far, I pray God to bless them will call my siblings and tell them that, am greatiful to god for giving me wonderful people like them will call my friends and thank them for being caring and good friends to me.

TODAY I will find my time alone, I will sit in my room and PRAY,I will read the BIBLE and thank God for the life He has given to me and for the chance that I have to be in university….for the good health, for the food and for good environment.

Today I will spend 2min and observe a moment of silence in respect to my departed Dad, Mum, Sister, Brother. Nephew, Niece and a good friend who were called by God too soon..I will miss them,,,, I will shed a tear for them and ask God why He decided to take them so early. I will agree with God ….and say ……let their souls rest in eternal peace.

Today I will walk alone to the trees and spend a quality time there…I will sing my favorite song….i will enjoy it like no other…I will try to sing all the existing voices, starting from Tenor, Bass, Altor and then pace to Soprano….

Today I will get out all my bedding, clothes, shoes ,utensils………everything, I will wash them with a smile on my face knowing that they are mine, and am the one going to use them.

Today I will pick my phone and call my EX,I will tell them I miss them much though I moved on,I will thank them for helping me pass a stage in life,I will take this time to wish them a cool and fantastic life with their partners….i will thank them for their time and love when we were together.

Today I will treat myself well, I will give Sukuma a break, I will cook myself a sumptuous dinner, I will just do myself some justice today.

Today I will gather all the courage and approach that lady, dude I have always admired, I will look them straight into their eyes and tell them that I have admired them all along, and I couldn’t hold it any longer, I will just do my part.

TODAY I will spend some time and pray for my country, I will pray for our tribes, our leaders……I will pray for peace, rain and love and Unity.

Today I will spend some money and buy my best friend a gift, I will tell them I feel so good when am with them and I care for them much and love them Sana.

Today I will tell my friends the truth on what I feel about them ,I will boldly tell them of the things they do that annoy me, I will politely tell them to adjust on their bad morals, I will just not sit watching them go to hell when am their friend to care for them




On the 17th of August 2011 to be precise, last Wednesday, one Mr. Stanley Gicheha Maina a 4th year student in the School of Human Resource Development pursuing a Bachelor degree in Communication and Public Relations wrote to the Dean of students requesting for approval and assistance towards construction of the Soweto-Mama Mboga pavement stretching down to hostels L and K.

In his letter, the former aspirant for the post of Chairman of MUSO sought the assistance of the Dean of Students in approving and may be providing the necessary logistics to facilitate the noble idea to fruition. A section of Mr. Maina’s letter read… ‘’It has come to my attention that most students suffer a lot during the rainy season since they are forced to either walk on the muddy road or forfeit buying goods. It is for this reason that I have decided to bring to your attention that some help from the University through your office could ease the suffering’’.

Mr. Maina then concluded his letter by affirming his commitment in monetary value, time and efforts to see the process through to completion. How many of us have ever thought of initiating such an idea? Now consider this; Mr. Maina is a 4th year student who barely has six months around this ‘animal farm’ before graduating. What could be pricking his conscious so much to the extent of courageously confronting the ‘see-nothing, say-nothing and be-opaque’ approach that MUSO officials have adopted since the inception of the Organization?

Why be the custodian of such a tasking exercise when we have a sitting MUSO Chairman, his VC and a battalion of ground soldiers in the name of Directors who only think of erecting containers everywhere and anywhere as long as the few coins from HELB LOAN remaining in our pockets find their way in their pockets?

Mr. Mwamburi Mwang’ombe, Mr. Okeri Orina and may be Mr. David Olando, I know by now you are the few individuals who can still afford to feign concern on issues affecting students since the rest have got what they wanted and care not what befalls this helpless population. Kindly assist Mr. Maina achieve his goals.

He might have been your opponent during the last MUSO election but remember that some leaders are anointed by God like Moses, some rise to office by right of birth as members of monarchs like Kabaka, some are elected in democracies like Barrack Obama others get to office through coups like Museveni. Whichever way one rises to office, it’s the legacy that matters. Mr. Maina has thought of what the 11 of you could have never thought of throughout your tenures in office. Give him support or we better recall all of you and give people like Maina the mandate to spur developments in this suffocating environment. Mr. Maina, I may not have voted for you in the last election but I pledge my support you.

On the morning of Thursday the 18th of August that is yesterday, one Mr. Mohamed Amin aka BUUBA was hosted at the MU FM breakfast show by Gilbert, a presenter at the station. Mr. A min was put to task to explain the idea behind the famous BUUBA TOURNAMENT. From the explanations he aired within the few minutes he was accorded, it was apparent Mr. Amin means was determined to help raise talent and improve sportsmanship within this university.

If an individual can single handedly sponsor such a big tournament, why has it taken MUSO so long? He pointed out that the tournament was purely meant to nurture students’ talents and make each and every member of Moi University community appreciate the talents incubated in them.

This is the second time Mr. Amin is coming into action while the people mandated to do so go missing. When a lady student was attacked by Mashoka some three weeks ago while MUSO directors were preparing to leave for an inconsequential trip to Coast dubbed Leadership Training, Mr. Amin offered his car to ferry the victim to seek specialized treatment and later settled the bills. These are acts we salute as humane, acts which make us tick with pride.

We will never answer why and how people achieve greatness. But we will automatically know a great a person when we see their initiatives, their gestures towards fellow human beings and above all the sacrifices they make for others. Mr. Stanley Maina and Mr. Mohamed Amin (BUUBA), I salute your noble initiatives and wish you well.

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