Monday, August 15, 2011

What really went wrong

Whenever I think of students’ power, one event comes into my mind. The fight for multi-party democracy in Kenya. In this fight university students were very useful among them were Hon. Kiraitu Murungi and James Orengo and they triumphed. This was a service to the nation and they have their place in the books of history.

One party dictatorship was their problem then, but what if this problem re-occurs? How many Moi University students will rise above their individualistic concerns and sacrifice themselves for the nation? The students of today are powerless and cannot demand even for the basic rights, let alone those of others. Their silences in those things that matters have made them lose their relevance, in the society and in their own life.

Here in Moi University our backs are bent and the administration is riding on us. Our dignity has been trampled on the ground. There is no guarantee even for simple things like accommodation.

Even if you get a hostel, most of them are unfit for human habitation. We as the student fraternity, we are on a wrong footing starting from the celebrities in the student union. We seem to have forgotten that we have the power to change this place. Change does not roll in the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom

1 comment:

  1. 2 bad we always vote in student leaders who talk the talk but never walk the walk!2 bad we always vote in student leaders who talk the talk but never walk the walk!


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