By Elizabeth Muriithi
So we are back at it again and today is the 3rd stroke in this 4part continuing series about PLAYERS. At this point, I must say that compiling this article has not been any facile task as it may seem. What I gathered from all the interviews I conducted leading to this article left my eyes dry and my heart in shock as to the extent of savagery the female heart can endure and how cold some guys can be. Do they even have a heart? Today, we get a glimpse of the lives of some campus ladies who have been treated as FRIENDS, GIRLFRIENDS, WIVES and as SLAVES by sleaze bags they entrusted their hearts to; their boyfriends. Today, we will walk in their foot prints and get a feel of what it means to be taken for granted. So come along then, let’s walk.
Lisa* is a lass who is way too drop-dead gorgeous lass to even be called beautiful. I’m a girl alright, but when it comes to elegance, I have never seen a masterpiece quite like her. However, she is still single and doesn’t show any interest whatsoever in having a guy she can call her own. When it comes to love, she avoids the topic but peculiarly enough, she has brought it up “Falling in love is an illusion, a misconception that has been orchestrated for the faint-hearted. True love doesn’t exist. At least not for me,” she tells me. This takes me aback. My brothers would give anything to have her as their better half!
She is in her 4th year of study but anyone claiming to love her is sent back with unfathomable insults. It all began when she was a 2nd year and met Denver*. She played hard to get but later gave in. Everyone said they looked perfect together but Denver* never called her darling or any other romantic terms despite doing everything that couples do. What hurt her more was that he rarely told her that he loved her. She wanted to know who she was to him and about their future.
The words he spoke told her on that chilly morning echo in her mind and scar her heart whenever she remembers them: “We are just FRIENDS. So stop thinking about things that can never happen.” So it had all been a joke to him? He had been using her just like he did all other girls?!She had been in love alone all these months. She had fallen for a PLAYER!! Lisa* then tells me, “I gave him my heart but he gave me trash in return. If that’s what it means to be in love, then I’d rather remain single. I’d rather love myself.”
Stacy’s* case is a wee bit different from Lisa’s*. Frank* had always told her that he loved her, called her his one and only GIRLFRIEND, sweet-heart and all other sweet nothings. However, she had busted him countless times cheating on her but somehow (she wouldn’t understand how) she always took him back. She decided to call it quits when she busted him with her roommate/ best friend and they even had had the audacity to showcase their betrayal on her very own bed! For Stacy,* men are never to be trusted, especially campus dudes though she is currently dating one; a fact that I cannot comprehend. “It’s not for love but for survival; a way of revenge,” she retorts with a self-satisfied smirk.
Violet* is in her 3rd year of study, very popular among the campus guys, sociable, outgoing, you name it. I wouldn’t call her a party pooper but rather a party queen. It would be a Herculean task to know her real boyfriend as she frequently changes them. Some would call her a PROSTITUTE but she sees nothing wrong with what she does. After all, Titus,* the boyfriend who once called her WIFE no longer considered her “wife material.” “What more is there to live for after you’ve given everything and even aborted for a sleaze ball who later disregards you in every way then immediately marries someone else? Tell me, what?” she asks me, tears trickling down her reddened cheeks.
I shudder for a while as I can see clearly in her eyes that she is still hurting from that heartbreak and the drinking is just a camouflage to hide this fact from herself and anyone else who would care to notice. She is wasting away and pretending not to give two hoots about it but deep down I know that she is yearning for help, yearning for love.
After 2weeks of busting a gut to get Rose* to have a conversation with me, I finally succeed. We meet at a prairie at the Falls, the only place where she feels safe although she keeps looking into the distance as though someone was watching us. She is adorned in smart, casual apparel but her face is not as rosy as you would expect. She has a bruise on the cheek and she blames it on banging her head on the door; the same thing she said last week concerning her bandaged arm.
She says that Brian* loves her and that he will change but that’s the same as wishing that horses had wings; I just don’t see it happening. Her life is in danger but she just won’t listen to me. She keeps growing thinner by the day and even the mere drop of a spoon scares her almost to death. Her phone rings and she shudders. It’s Brian* as I expected. Barely 5minutes into our conversation and she immediately has to leave. She is Brian’s* SLAVE; always there at his beck and call. How I wish I could get her out of that abusive relationship with that good for nothing Brian* who’s been cheating on her since God knows when. If only I knew how. . .
The names used in this article are not the real names of the said individuals. Asterix (*) sign has been used for anonymity purposes.
Watch out next week for the 4th and final part in this 4part continuing series: The “NO STRINGS ATTACHED” Type of Guy.