Thursday, December 20, 2012


By Kirong Shadrack

It’s a countdown to the end of 2012, and being a festive season it's no doubt the Christmas and New year’s fever and euphoria is taking toll of our spirits and emotions. Some would say it’s a season to allow love percolate into our hearts or reconcile the past and the future and move on. Another phrase for ‘I want to make new resolutions’.

But how often do we say this? And do we take an annual stock of this personal decision we arrive at? Truth be told some of us if not most of us will append their signatures to the fact that these decisions, never see the light of the day, but instead remains in pen and paper until the next season when we hear Christmas jingle bells. And whenever the usual lives storms crowds in we never want to baby – seat the once enthusiastic self and its ideas.

A mental flight back after our bombers ushering of 2012, depicts how cosy we were with the year’s expectation and other events, despite the impending and present litany of dilemmas then. In line was the unresolved indefinite Engineering students dilemma dubbed ‘’ UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE SUSPENSION”. In waiting was the double intake debate dilemma, which to date anyone in the system can recount its pros and cons without blinking.

Then came calling, was the MUSO election, where we ushered in a new hybrid of leaders, seemingly impeccable in style and diction, but very reluctant, recalcitrant, arrogant, corrupt and always quick to jump to their defence, whenever matters pertaining students rights and rendering their services are put in question. What a shame?! And what a dilemma!

Our academic calendar, the mother of all hullaballoo, is the biggest dilemma that should be accorded maximum and greatest disrespect and lashing of the tongue it deserves, for our continued, untold long, and tedious academic journeys we have trekked this year!. From common language like ‘ until further notice’..’ ‘To be communicated later’....’Postponed’, among other synonymous phrases associated with the institution.

I don’t need to juxtapose the obvious, the list is endless. We are on the verge of opening the door to another new year 2013.My worry is, will we continue wallowing in the same dilemmas? You got the answers. We need a new year’s resolutions!


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