The troubled student governing council and the body representing dissenting students finally broke the deadlock and reached a deal to put an end to the ongoing backstabbing, person assassination and character soiling that has been doing round through out the campus in the past few weeks.
In a meeting which was held in a room in hostel A and attended by various representatives from various organizations within the campus, the two dissenting bodies agreed to bury their personal interests for the sake of comradeship and unity within the whole student fraternity.
The dissenting voices which was represented by Mr. Tom Kaudo took the meeting through the touchy and sensitive issues which necessitated their bold move to collect signatures from the students to oust the 25th S.G.C. Top on their card of complains was the issue of tendering. Mr. Tom Kaudo took issue with how the tendering was done, if it was done in the first place, how transparent was the whole prices and the illegality of the current ownership. This set the ground for the introduction of what seemed to be the most emotive issue on everybody’s lip within and outside the meeting: the pricing system of the items in the shops around the campus.
The members deliberated on this issue for almost one and a half hours forcing the presiding Chairman Mr. Cassius Ajwang to keep on reminding everyone the need to maintain objectivity throughout the meeting. Several options were floated to arrest the situation including the urge to redo tendering process afresh or to maintain the current ownership of the shops but try to come up with a price regulation mechanism to check on the pricing system within the campus. The meeting finally unanimously agreed to adopt the latter option considering that ownership of the shops might just be an exercise in futility since the current owners might corrupt their ways back leading to continuation of the price exploitation. Besides, it was brought to the attention of the Chair that almost everybody was only concerned with the prices rather who owns what.
To that effect a committee comprising of six students including two MUSO Directors was formed and tasked with the duty of compiling a price list which will be stuck on the notice boards and all Turk shops to be used by the students in knowing whether they are being over-charged or not. The committee is composed of Tom Kaudo who is its Chairman, Judy Waweru(MUSO VC) being its Secretary,Obilo Kobilo, Disembe Dikembe, Enock Nyariki(MUSO CHIEF EDITOR) and Sandra M’konyango .
The committee through the S.G.C is also mandated to recommend closure of any shop within the campus which is proved to have violated the to be given price list through overcharging or selling low quality goods at a price that is not substantial to the product. On the price of fries, it was immediately resolved that chips should be partaken at Shs.50 taking effect from this morning in all the chips cafes within the campus.
The issue of security proved to be a little bit tricky since not even the Security and Accommodation Director was in a position to each and everyone was save wherever we are. However, he gave the meeting an assurance that he will do anything within his capability to make sure that everybody is safe but called upon the students to make their personal security a priority in any of their indulgences. The number of student vigilante and the process of their recruitment was considered by the meeting as non priority matter which the concerned Director is at liberty to share or not to. Concerns were also raised about the states of our latrines and health system prompting an assurance from the Health and Security Directors to carry a follow up to any student who will be referred to Moi Teaching and Referal.
The meeting agreed that the SGC was to tackle these issues failure to which the collection of signatures will resume its course. It was also agreed that the committee and the SGC will hold joint meeting with the students in LT 3 on Thursday to chat the way forwafd. In attendance were; Mwamburi Mwamng’ombe, Okeri Orina, Tom Kaudo,Judy Waweru, Fred Odero, Victor Mwarura, Enock Nyariki, Moffat-TSA Chairman,Dan ,kennedy Basa, Disembe Dikembe, Obilo Kobilo, Koome Isaak, Steve Macharia, Partricia Tuwei, Orland David, Simon Kuria,Joice Wainaina, Ong’aro Silas,Sandra M’konyango,Philbert Kizia,Joel Mola,Cassius Ajwang and the Chairman of Integrity Movement(William Sila).