On the 17th of August 2011 to be precise, last Wednesday, one Mr. Stanley Gicheha Maina a 4th year student in the School of Human Resource Development pursuing a Bachelor degree in Communication and Public Relations wrote to the Dean of students requesting for approval and assistance towards construction of the Soweto-Mama Mboga pavement stretching down to hostels L and K.
In his letter, the former aspirant for the post of Chairman of MUSO sought the assistance of the Dean of Students in approving and may be providing the necessary logistics to facilitate the noble idea to fruition. A section of Mr. Maina’s letter read… ‘’It has come to my attention that most students suffer a lot during the rainy season since they are forced to either walk on the muddy road or forfeit buying goods. It is for this reason that I have decided to bring to your attention that some help from the University through your office could ease the suffering’’.
Mr. Maina then concluded his letter by affirming his commitment in monetary value, time and efforts to see the process through to completion. How many of us have ever thought of initiating such an idea? Now consider this; Mr. Maina is a 4th year student who barely has six months around this ‘animal farm’ before graduating. What could be pricking his conscious so much to the extent of courageously confronting the ‘see-nothing, say-nothing and be-opaque’ approach that MUSO officials have adopted since the inception of the Organization?
Why be the custodian of such a tasking exercise when we have a sitting MUSO Chairman, his VC and a battalion of ground soldiers in the name of Directors who only think of erecting containers everywhere and anywhere as long as the few coins from HELB LOAN remaining in our pockets find their way in their pockets?
Mr. Mwamburi Mwang’ombe, Mr. Okeri Orina and may be Mr. David Olando, I know by now you are the few individuals who can still afford to feign concern on issues affecting students since the rest have got what they wanted and care not what befalls this helpless population. Kindly assist Mr. Maina achieve his goals.
He might have been your opponent during the last MUSO election but remember that some leaders are anointed by God like Moses, some rise to office by right of birth as members of monarchs like Kabaka, some are elected in democracies like Barrack Obama others get to office through coups like Museveni. Whichever way one rises to office, it’s the legacy that matters. Mr. Maina has thought of what the 11 of you could have never thought of throughout your tenures in office. Give him support or we better recall all of you and give people like Maina the mandate to spur developments in this suffocating environment. Mr. Maina, I may not have voted for you in the last election but I pledge my support you.
On the morning of Thursday the 18th of August that is yesterday, one Mr. Mohamed Amin aka BUUBA was hosted at the MU FM breakfast show by Gilbert, a presenter at the station. Mr. A min was put to task to explain the idea behind the famous BUUBA TOURNAMENT. From the explanations he aired within the few minutes he was accorded, it was apparent Mr. Amin means was determined to help raise talent and improve sportsmanship within this university.
If an individual can single handedly sponsor such a big tournament, why has it taken MUSO so long? He pointed out that the tournament was purely meant to nurture students’ talents and make each and every member of Moi University community appreciate the talents incubated in them.
This is the second time Mr. Amin is coming into action while the people mandated to do so go missing. When a lady student was attacked by Mashoka some three weeks ago while MUSO directors were preparing to leave for an inconsequential trip to Coast dubbed Leadership Training, Mr. Amin offered his car to ferry the victim to seek specialized treatment and later settled the bills. These are acts we salute as humane, acts which make us tick with pride.
We will never answer why and how people achieve greatness. But we will automatically know a great a person when we see their initiatives, their gestures towards fellow human beings and above all the sacrifices they make for others. Mr. Stanley Maina and Mr. Mohamed Amin (BUUBA), I salute your noble initiatives and wish you well.
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