Q: Mention five things you can’t do without:
A: I cant do without my family, the church, priorities, friends and works of literature.
Q: Three things you would look for in woman?
A: My ideal woman should be complicated in the essence that she must be creative and challenging too. Must be big bodied and a real African beauty, embraces the African aesthetics— ‘herbal’.
Q: Relationship status?
A: I’m currently single with very close female friends but none qualifies to be called my girlfriend.
Q: What makes you angry?
A: For those who don’t understand me, I use simplicity as my hideout and some people don’t get this. My way of dressing and even handling things is all simple.
Q: What led to the fight between you and mairura?
A: Political misunderstandings and maybe the opposition wanting things done their way. I am a child of defamiliarization and does not do things as everybody else does but I go out of my way and try to do things in strange ways.
Q: Any challenges as a MUSO Chairman?
A: I have been detached with my friends, I’m a very social person but now socialization is just but a dream. There are many meetings and trips leaving me with no time for myself, my class work and even literature that I love so much. Public curiosity, people questioning most things that I do even my dressing, not all MUSO officials dress officially, I spot them in shorts and rubbers but they are not questioned like I am. There is also pressure from comrades and at times I handle problems away from my docket, people miss rooms they come to me, health issues, finance, catering, security and even entertainment but I never refuse to help them. Nikiitwa hata comfort mi huenda tu. Some even haul abuses at me but its okay, I love them.
Q: Any comment on your dressing code that has raised several eyebrows?
A: I am from the coastal region and I’m attached to my socialization, we dress in kikois, sandals and therefore I find coats rather uncomfortable. I love my culture.
Q: What do you think about the opposition?
A: Brilliant. Yes they are brilliant. They give the real characteristics of politics and they are just but playing their role. It is easier for them to judge us harshly as they are not in our shoes and do not know what really goes on. I like what they are doing and they have my blessings. I even helped in the signature collection by signing, because it’s comrades who voted me in and therefore can still vote me out. I agree they are doing their work though at times they overstep without consultation but at least they keep us on toes. Its good to have them and they should be supported.
Q: What does being a MUSO Chair entail?
A: You become an advocate for students in higher meetings, interact with other student leaders like we once had a conference for student leaders across Africa, co ordinate the SGC and chair meetings.
Q: Whhat don’t people know about you?
A: I am from a very humble background and a strong SDA (Seventh-Day Adventist). I can also take a stage in preaching, a vegetarian but by choice, I hate meat.
Q: Compulsory meals in a week?
A: Anything to do with plants, fruits, vegetables, cereals. Sikuli unga wa mfuko lazima niende mabs nisiage. I love my health and read a lot about health.
Q: Football fan?
A: Yes, I even play football.
Q: Which team(s) do you support?
A: A Barcelona fan and Congo United locally.
Q: Parting shot?
A:The SGC appreciates comrades as we are made up of them but they should be more vigilant and vibrant in airing injustices and their views and also what they want especially when they feel we are wrong.
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