My WIKILEAKS: Watch out where and what you consume
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suspend my political writing duty and try to economically chew someone out. For a period of time, the health status of most individuals has been put under red alert and negativism by both doctors and parents or friends. The greatest of all reasons that has led to this situation is the level of hygiene on what and where we consume what.
I took a step towards discovering the untold stories about what we consume at the totally monopolistic shopping centre—the infamous Stage. Apart from a few well established hotels, most of our hotels and pubs are located at the back streets and are a big shame and an undermine to the university that has stood the ground for over 25 years. The conditions of these joints are largely retrogressive, punitive and repressive.
One of the many provisions of the millennium development goals and the vision 2030 is to see Kenya eliminate the three-personed foe of our generation: ignorance, poverty and diseases. My million times question is, how do we fight diseases with the conditions of the hotel, pubs, dumpsites, drainage, and lavatories at the centre so demeaning and sickening?
Tenacious fighter
I decided to act in the way of an ingenious schemer, thick-skinned, fearless and a tenacious lone fighter, who can stir gender and class sentiments to his defense when threatened. I sneaked into the kitchen of one of the hotels and managed to capture a series of secret photos and what caught my eyes remains to be a toss-up. I went ahead to coin my ways into surviving in narrow strings to get information from the sources that are closely linked to the operators of the hotels but my investigations earned little substance.
Not only was I treated like an alien but also received some cold, mean, and threatening looks. I behaved the wolf way and sneaked out with my photos before the owner could get my neck. A wolf may never inform the rabbit that he will be coming to eat him tomorrow but would tell or lie to another wolf that a hunter is coming with a big gun. In return, the grateful wolf would share the rabbit’s meat. In my case, the other wolf became ungrateful and decided not to share the crucial piece of information. But what makes me walk shoulders high is the fact that the levels of hygiene are low as evidently disclosed by the photos.
When I got a chance to speak to some few employees of these hotels, most of them were plain-speaking and arrogant. The world at the shopping centre seems to stand at one end with every proprietor charging right into the battle field in seek for acceptance and winning more visitors. The air inside the hotels is filled with smoke and a combination of other diaries of choke generated from the wanting drainage.
It is bare truth that eyes were made to look but not see. The poncey floors, the rusting roofings, the blackish ceilings, and the mossy water points go unnoticed by the regular visitors. The merry melodies generated by the 14 inch TV sets lay the evils in necropsy. The belief that shoplots should be filled to the brim seems to contain the water. This in turn compromises on the quality of the food, services, hygiene, and the general eatery hacienda. These hotels are simply guttersnipes.
Rift Valley hypothesis
At one stage in life, if you give oppressive and substandard services over the dark counters, you should definitely expect the same reward. The services received are below the standards of even the worst of the pigs. Our abilities to remember the different colour, patterns, shapes, and odours emanating from these joints are a Rift Valley hypothesis. Our senses have redesigned themselves to make lies sound and look truthful. The eye – being the oldest part of the brain and the body, and having had multiples of millennia to evolve – has refused to see the reality and our health is becoming purely a product of certain aridity. No story appears as evident as the one told through the photos of what we have refused to see.
As customers, we have been unable to play the two sides of the argument against the middle to unearth the truth. The chances are that this is from phobia and not phlegm. During the period of my stake-out, a corrupt and dirty conscience built instability in my mind but I lifted off my lips and my prominent teeth in a series of little, fierce and totally unjustified grinned. The truth was finally here with me.
Well, it will take us some time to disentangle ourselves from a number of health complications and challenges that we face. For years, we have been operating in an unpredictable and swiftly changing economy and environment. A hostile and in adequate economy, legal, policy, and regulatory environment continues to impact negatively on our health.
By Koome K. Isaac (
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