Friday, April 8, 2011

Annjoy Karimi tells you what love should mean

Love in its natural capacity
By Annjoy Karimi
The bible states that  love is the greatest commandment of all,and I surely agree with it. How would the world be without love?  

I tend to agree with them who say that love is a feeling that exist  in all forms.

Love should be that feeling that brings us together. The feeling that crowds our differences that despite of everyone else seeing my tribe as the enemy, you will see me as one among  your closest  friend.That despite of our difference in tribe,we will sit down and share our cultures, teach each other of our different ways of life and even teach each other our different languages. We will agree that we are all human beings who feel pain and sorrow by similar means.

Love should be that feeling that  enables us to let go the past despite of how much pain it has brought into our lifes. It is love that makes a child look for their parents  who abandoned them when they could not protect themselves or know who they are. It is love that makes  you welcome her into your house despite the fact that she sold you to the enemy.You will lend her you handkerchief to wipe her tears despite the fact that she made you shed not just tears but blood.

It is that feeling that enables us to swallow our pride  without giving regards to our ego. We will accept that our views are not always right. That before making any decision, I will give time to listen to my brothers/sisters point of view. Every time I feel have been wronged,I will give the other person a chance to express themselves before making my judgement and resulting to unfair solutions.

 It is love that makes a leader. They will care to consult their subordinates before making beuracratic decisions and avoid unnecessary wrangles. It is love that makes them reward the employees due to the recognition that we are human beings who need to be motivated.It is that which makes her to question why that group member looks confused and in great thoughts.

The love for our country will make us think twice before throwing that empty bottle on the road side. We will contemplate on the damage the disposal from our beutiful  flower  farms is having on lake Naivasha ,how much damage we have caused Lake Nakuru and Lake Victoria. We will care to visit hells gate ,the Mara and other sites if we can afford and appreciate our country. We will think twice before uttering those hate speechess despite of our position in the society, before giving that bribe and before looking down on others.

Love can do wonders, but just as the bible states,there must be real  actions. The word alone will take us no where. A friend of mine once told me how she was caught up in paying school  fees. She really needed money to pay the outstanding balance within a day in order to sit for an examination. Scrolling through her phonebook, she was confused on who she would call. She had several options which centred around her friends and relatives.

Caught up in the confusion, she narrowed down her option to two people—her best friend and her sister. First she decided to call her sister, funny enough her sister who she thought would never let her down reluctatly declined and said she could not assist. Her best friend on the other hand offered to help. Surerly, love got me confused.

We have all heard of media stories where husbands have turned against their wives and killed them, fathers having raped their children, stories of mothers abandoning their own children and siblings fighting each other over inheritance. Does real love exist between them or  do they have a strange way of expressing the love that exist between them?

At times human beings let the love that exist between them be overpowered by other unnecessary feelings. But if we let real love control us,we will go far. It will enable us to memorise in ourself The Secret, that  Christian D.Larson states will help us to:
“. . .think only of the best, to work only for the best and expect only the best
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as we are about ourself
To forget the mistake of the past and press on the greater achievement of the future. . .”

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