Tuesday, June 18, 2013


By Irene Murithi

Is it bad to fall in love? I always thought it a very good feeling; that your friends should always be happy when you succeed to find a heart that cares for you. Friends beware of the “friends” you call your friends. Love is a sickness that one can never control when it befalls them. It is not a directive from one’s mind yet it takes full control of one.

Being in love, you learn to respect yourself and the one you love. You always feel satisfied and secure knowing that there is a heart somewhere that cares for and loves you. A heart that loves you would genuinely do anything to get a stay in your heart without paying any rent. It will make someone do the craziest of things to make you happy. When you find a person who strives to ensure there is always a smile on your face, be glad; you have found a lifetime friend and love.

Ever thought of the very many things you do in the name of love? Of course some are genuine and others are not. When it’s genuine, there will be no mandatory cases between two souls which are in love. On the other hand, there are others who will do things in the name of love yet deep inside them it is phony and they know it. If you ever sat down to write the things you do for a person you say you love, the list would be endless if you really are real about it.
You will always find yourself thinking about somebody. 

You’ll fantasize till you smile unknowingly, all in the name of love. You sleep, dream and possibly speak out your secrets deep in the night because you love. You feel attached and do not want them to leave because you love. You find yourself caught in a fix with friends possibly because they saw you and they really want to know when you fell in love. They say you discovered something that made you ignore them. You try getting out of the fix and your friends harass you, all in the name of your love. 

When you fall in love, I would advise you not to share it because those you share with could probably like it or not. Fellow Christians will either say he/she is not a believer so it is not good for you. Others in the same line will say he/she belongs to a different religion or even tribe. Do not run away! They are still your friends and you still need them, you only need to be distinctive. Probably there are some who are saying it out of a good heart while others are just saying it because they do not want to see you happy. You need to know who your true friends are. 

There are moments when you feel happy and need to talk to someone. Be sure you are ready to let the whole world know you are in love. As you get yourself a friend you ‘think’ you can trust, be cautious. I do not mean to say that the world should not know that you are in love. It does not also mean that you cannot trust your friends. No. The world, as a matter of fact, has a right to know you are in love and you are loved and you too have a right to trust your friends. 

Keep yourselves safe, friends. Stay far away from them who keep on questioning and following up on everything you do yet they have their own and will not talk about them. They want to keep themselves safe from the hands of the world but they want you there. Stay safe, play a game of love and one that is worth because you love.

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