Sunday, December 23, 2012


By William Dekker

Ever since this current MUSO Students’ Governing Council (SGC) took to the helms of power, comrades are left with virtually nothing to count as a an effect of their effort. “Betrayal” to comradeship would even be substandard to use in this case. An era of errors, assorted with negligence, dormancy and laxity. Bila kuficha, I do solicit for rumours 25hours a day, and a confidant of mine just whispered to me that this current SGC is about “minting cash” rather than serving comrades’ desired interests. No wander you villains are not considering exiting your tenure as much as it’s so evident that its long overdue. This is unethical, backward and infidelity of the highest order.

I am not a politician and at the same time wouldn’t seek that cheap publicity by crowning myself a free thinker just like some people we know. Triggered by sincere emotions and the burning spirit of comradeship, I am hereby tempted to bring the battle royale to individuals by individuals without generalizing;

Just like Miguna Miguna, we are told to be vigilant over these people with “the same name twice”; Dikembe Disembe, Obilo Kobilo and etcetera. In this case I wonder if the twist in “S” and “K” makes a reasonable difference. I’m already tempted to start questioning the thinking of whoever gave you those two archaic names. That’s personal, am sorry. Back to the main agenda here;

Seth Dikembe Disembe, a potential being full of misconstrued bravado. You seem to possess the unconstructive energy that exhibits nothing worthwhile. I remember the days of MUSO campaigns that this pal used to write anything that came off his head just to assail the authorities in full force. Spoke like a savior, perhaps the best thing ever that SGC would ever find, and then all eyes were on you, alongside Doghana Florence. Now I know that even Obilo Kobilo who you termed as a “nincompoop” is 10times soberer than your hypocritical self. At least I saw him once or twice, I think thrice, attempting to seek justice for comrades who suffer the wrath of your negligence.

Amusingly, Dikembe has the audacity to pop out of the blues seeking cheap publicity on platforms such as the 3rd eye’s fan page in times of despair. You speak so candid with drunken fury addressing misplaced agenda. Of what help is it when a man of your caliber comes out blaming 4th years and other comrades in session for not standing up against sudden bus-fare hike? Yet all this time you have been hiding in your cocoon of comfort zone enjoying the dollars that you earn from MUSO student subscription fee and the vast allowances you get over nothing constructive. In such cases the best thing to tell such an individual is “shut-up”, but I would be a bit rude for today and tell Dikembe “CLOSE YOUR MOUTH!”

Even before I begin I would like to ask you Mr. to drop this embarrassing self-induced title; “Mr. President”. It earns you more of downbeat image rather than the intended respect. Mr. President seems to be a gentleman of misplaced composure, uncalled for discipline and unnecessary linguistic proficiency. I remember you sailed through the MUSO cross-fire just by spitting the usual superfluous, redundant, outmoded English 101. Of what benefit is the mouthful verbal diarrhea if comrades cannot see the actual fruits of your bare pledges?. You belong to generation “W” or rather “generation Wazee”; the current generation is not muzzled by the volumes of vocabulary that you speak. Perhaps “how many bottles of KEG can you buy?” can be considered relevant but only in the times you were desperately seeking that high office in MUSO. Personally, the thrill is gone, I would rather see your tall-self walk along the academic highway rather than listen to the non-constructive lexis dictionary that you spit.

And then this would be more personal; the next time we meet please attempt to tuck-in your synonymous “kitenge” shirt. At least I appreciate the fact that you do often remove the iconic cap in a bid to show some respect as always, Kudos! But still please don’t look up in the sky, your usual trend, coz it leaves me in pains straining to catch up with your super-tall height. How do expect me to focus on you if you elevate your eyes further, focusing to some unknown destination? Perhaps one day you’ll reveal to me where.

I have just realized that I have spent a whole paragraph bringing our personal beef to public attention. No harm I guess. Now onto our agendum; in the same spirit and gusto I have dialogued with Dikembe; I hope you listen but don’t act, your term is gone. Just do us one favour, amidst two options; resign or dissolve your cabinet., fullstop!

I would prefer getting more personal with you, now that you denied me that tender of designing “Freshaz nite” posters. Vividly, you gave it to your usual friends now that you can always “eat” together. Wait a minute, the semester is already past half-way and all we’ve seen is substandard “dundaz”. I remember our cultural week was a whack! “Thanks to your insignificant docket”. Let me remind you that the likes of KU even had international stars like Akon grace their occasion, while back here in Moi, even the simplest of all artists couldn’t make it. I hear you invited “Jamnazi Africa” and then expected me to pay for my usual VIP ticket @Ksh.500. What a shame!!! Next time, treat comrades with respect or otherwise forever we shall boycott those substandard dundaz you have planned and “fail them kama kawaida”.

The rest of SGC you are lucky I just forgot your names, but still you are part of the rotting morass, a bandwagon of colossal hypocrisy, the Judas of 2011-2012-2013. Perhaps you just get off power before this fury sinks in too deep to quell. Tick! Tock! Comrades clock are ticking! Deuces!

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