Sunday, May 12, 2013


By Christine Muhia

I woke up to the sounds of “Mwizi, mwizi….uuuiii!” Partially scared, I shot out of bed, grabbed my 'kanga' and my faithful hockey stick in case self-defence was necessary. I was determined to aid my fellow comrade and be the day’s heroine. But woe unto me, my brevity was put to shame when I came to the realization that I was the only intended heroine. Most of my fellow house-mates chose to stick to the confines of their rooms and peep through the keyholes as drama unfolded.

I followed the scream to the opposite wing and teamed up with Nyambura and Njeri as they were from the region bestowed with ladies who face problems with a good fight, literally. Unfortunately, by the time we reached the supposed floor from where all the chaos was emanating from, the culprit was long gone. He had fled towards the students’ centre. Apparently, the thought of him being beaten to a pulp by Nyamburas and Njeris and being apprehended had crossed his mind and he opted to flee and save his life.

By this time everyone in J was up and asking what had happened. “Mimi nilitaka kutoka tumpate tumchape,” one student retorted echoing many others.I just gave a smirk wondering where the backup was when Nyambura, Njeri and I needed it most. Security arrived a little too late for the action but investigations are ongoing. After an amateur personal investigation, it came to my understanding that the culprit did not get away with anything.

However, he is still at large and lucky to have got away before facing our wrath. Well, actually my wrath mainly. This goes out as a warning to those kleptomaniacs out there who think they can just walk into our rooms and get away with our valuables.

Mark my words, next time you decide to go on your little so-called adventure, BEWARE!!! We will have no more sleepless nights because of you. If we catch you, well, just be sure you will face the full wrath of an injured lioness. Trust me, we are so angry right now.

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