Sunday, April 14, 2013


By Governor Joel Evans

Congratulations, for you have lived long enough to know what is and what is not possible. For you have walked long enough along the corridors of power to understand what bureaucracy is all about. I salute you all as you enjoy your retreat in Kampala, reminiscing your vibrant and aggressive moments. You spread the gospel of change to comrades but today what we witness is the hallmark of your sterility. You no longer meet the expectations of those who gave you power; the common comrades. The day you stopped pushing is the day comrades began crushing terribly.

Whose docket deals with gender and special needs? Chapter 5 of the MUSO constitution article 22 clause 2(a) states that, “the assistant secretary general shall preside over as chair to the Gender and Special needs Committee.” Well, it is very touching and emotive that our fellow comrades in the special needs department cannot access upper floors of Margaret Thatcher Library just because the escalators are malfunctioning. They had hopes that you would forward their cries and deliver them from bondage, but it seems like the deliverer also needs deliverance.

Who is concerned with students’ welfare? Article 20 (g) stipulates that, ‘‘the vice-chair shall co-ordinate the general students’ welfare services like transport, benevolence, sickness and funerals.” Talking of transport, comrades were forced to overstretch their limited budgets and pay over two hundred shillings to town during the December holiday break. There was no one who came out to negotiate on behalf of comrades. Suggestions of a legitimate release of one of the buses to be used and at least charge a lower fare amount for fuel purposes was aired, but they landed on deaf ears.

There was a draft of a new MUSO constitution that was to be pushed through. What happened to it? Comrades have neither been informed nor updated of its progress, even once. Where is our legal defender, the custodian of the MUSO constitution? What happened? You went silent, contradicting that verbal and outspoken part in you that engraved a sense of hope in comrades. ‘‘When the noise goes down…”

I will rest my case. However, should comrades continue trusting you in the fulfilment of their expectations regardless of your attaining this delicate age of menopause? Or should they come up with test-tube policies and initiate a process of artificial insemination to re-orient you once again on what they expect? When you can no longer conceive? Remember, what you cannot conceive, you cannot achieve.

(Don’t tell me words don’t matter)

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