I am making these ‘announcements’ fully aware of the killing cats down there. Down is relative, you know!
When and if I revert these golden ‘Until my Resurrection’ declarations, I will not fail to tell you why. One reason might be if I get a girlfriend who will still be studying here in this re-owned university. Let those explanations come when they are due.
When I imagine that more that Sh. 600, 000 comrades’ money has been squandered in the last two academic years, I fail to understand if we have leaders and readers. This money was awarded in the name of MUSO bursaries but never resurfaced. The question is; who ate the money? Until these Muso money stealers are prosecuted I will never visit Moi.
There is the shop tendering issue. Year in year out one Mr. Entrepreneur Muse has been winning all tenders. This year it is alleged that Muse has won the tenders courtesy of our outspoken Director Mr. Strongman. Until Muse loses a tender I will never visit Moi University.
26 years and still employees or have they grown up to be employers? A good question with more severe repercussions than meets the eyes and years. Do you really know what I am talking about? I guess not. Because us in Moi are still in the 1980s of the Nyayo torture chambers, I beg not to elaborate any further. For more clarifications please visit me on my way to lectures. Until….
Do you remember how these good young politicians told us before they were elected into office? They even went a step further into swearing an oath and pledging their loyalty to the MUSO Constitution! Do I say. Yes I should. These same directors have betrayed and abused comrades and were once last semester fighting on who will illegally take the shops and Chips Cafés promoting unyanyapaa. They have gone against the oath which required them to serve comrades with integrity without fear or favor. Talk of uncircumcised impunity. I suggest signatures to be collected and they face the full face of the law: waambie kuna katiba mpya mjini! Until all the 25th SGC Muso officials who illegally stole, ‘return’ the Shops and Chips Cafés, I will never visit Moi.
University buses! Ever asked yourself how many times you have ever boarded the university buses except when going for a funeral. Let’s start with me. This is my fourth year in campus but I have never even smelt the inside of any of these press-tegious buses. I hear they are individual owned though painted as ‘ours’. Did I say that? No, not me.
Just ‘Until my resurrection’.
Will you have a ressurective-full weekend, I know you will.
Until my ressurrection, well said. i seem to share the same sentiments...are the same sentiments...