By Elvis M. Nyakreal
August 2013, a month like no other in this university with the longest serving dean of students in East and Central Africa also fondly referred to as the university with a difference. It is a month of ‘hot’ politics. Terms such as “comrades’ power!” will soon be the fashion in every corner of main campus. The never to be promises, propaganda, critics, student activists rackets and insults will be ringing in our ears.
For first years and some second years who have never participated in campus elections, this will be a defining moment. My friend Sheila Serser reminds me that I should inform the first years to be prepared for endless knocks on their doors by the door-to-door campaigners. George, the boy from the lake side who calls himself “Senior Counsel” also tells me that the only way to avoid going sleepless nights during this political time is to find a marker pen and write on your door “PLEASE COME TOMORROW.”
Various aspirants among them being Titus Kisangau, Kipsaro Arab Boit, Sam Ogutu, Jeff Kenyatta and Bush have already decided that they will contest for the MUSO chairman docket. Some of the female students who have brought a touch to this battle include Journalist Parcie, Delicate, and Angie.
Unusually, the campus Mutahi Ngunyi’s have already predicted who will clinch the most powerful docket in MUSO, however, one of the best serving student leader- Mwamburi Mwangombe’s reminds me that, in main campus there is nothing like tyranny of numbers. I am yet to agree with him.
Well, for those aspiring to be student leaders, be prepared to meet the master of students. Be prepared to hear statements like “the university has no money, the previous MUSO left behind a debt of 10 million which I am struggling to pay.”
Nyamweya one of 3rd eye’s grandfathers will tell you, “walio na masiko wasikie.”
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