Wednesday, July 31, 2013


By Tony Irungu
The current fourth years have sacrificed their leadership quest to join the 27th SGC over an opportunity to serve in the SEC (students’ electoral commission). This comes after a politically charged meeting held yesterday (Tuesday 30th) afternoon attended by a cross section of the current fourth years and the dean of students.

The group resolved to form the SEC under the condition that 3 posts be reserved for the fourth years which will be filled through competitive elections and also to be represented and consulted in all issues pertaining MUSO.

The agreement, ratified by the dean of students and the students present had a provision for a caretaker committee to be constituted during the 2nd semester when some of the SGC leaders will be on vacation. The agreement was also on condition that the SEC selection process is to be free, fair and impartial.

The deal was arrived at after the dean of students declined a proposal by the fourth years to vie in the elections and also be involved in overseeing the polls.

“You are free to vie for elections, but you cannot be a referee and the player at the same time, the principal of natural justice states that you cannot be a judge over your own case” said the dean who was called upon to make clarifications on contentious issues that nearly brought the meeting to a halt. The dean equivocally stated that it was to be a hard choice between serving in the SEC, present candidates for the polls or come up with a co-opting arrangement.

The SEC which oversees MUSO elections constitutes of 30 to 45 members drawn from finalists and the post graduate students. Apart from the allowances that accompany the service, a certificate equivalent to the one given to the SGC members is given out making the post equivalent to that of an SGC member. The ordinary members earn Ksh. 5000 while the chairman and the secretary both earn about Ksh 8000

The consensus reached was received with mixed reactions from a cross -cutting student’s populace with some citing ambiguity in the 3 slots-provision given to the fourth years which have no specifications.

Some quipped that it was not an all inclusive meeting and that dreams of some fourth year aspirants were shuttered without any guarantee of being selected to be members of the SEC. the composition of the SEC was also questioned where there are two fourth year groups and the post graduates and who qualify to be bonafide SEC members.

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