Wednesday, May 1, 2013


By Stanley Kimuge

Swag is deemed to be something that makes us unique in one way or the other. It is basically about identity. Each day, designers spend time performing surgery on what we wear. But of late, even language has not escaped it.

Interestingly, last evening, a 12-lettered message found its way to my phone's inbox. It read "xaxa claxx e ko?" I must admit I spent time decoding it. Before, I could understand what it meant the lady sent another "xi unixhow plx" text.

But why should someone who had nappies stripped from her, mutilate the Queen's language? Eye brows have to be raised on the level of maturity and I blame this double intake. At least, those still evolving should have been given ample time to do so.

I realized this disease is very contagious. Some dudes have fallen ill too. A lady friend disclosed to me that it is not business as usual with such suitors. To her, she equates them to the class one pupils-to-be, the intellectually unripe lot to benefit from laptops. In other words, they are not husband material!

I don't dispute that letter X could have romantic connotations. However, my linguistics lecturer can easily link this madness to ancient times when an illiterate man used the 24th Roman letter as a signature. He would then kiss it as an oath.

Ladies, I have observed that you like pimping your bodies; even discolouring your skin, all in the name of raising the bar. However decorating your communication won't make you heroine. Next time, before you hit the "send" button, make sure you write a more sober message.

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