Tuesday, May 7, 2013


By Chemochek Enock

I thought the world was turning upside down but I can now confirm that it is already upside down. We have seemingly thrown the few morals we had to the dogs. From the look of things, the dogs have already eaten them and we can never have them back! The students who were supposed to be studying are the same people who party with passion and sing their hearts out only to find it difficult to glue their eyes on a book.

Talk of abstinence to today’s youths and they will hear none of it; it is like preaching to the converted. They say it is trendy to indulge in casual sex (where the policy ukipata fyeka applies) which is unprotected in most cases. They go as far as taking emergency pills (E-Pills) before making love to prevent pregnancies. And if by any chance one gets pregnant, they procure abortions in the crudest of ways, even two months before delivery!

Children have also not been left behind in this uncouth behavior. They are no longer an innocent bunch as it had been in the last century. Today’s village kids play an improved version of “cha baba na cha mama” which is usually more of a hands-on activity while their “born-tao” counterparts have an obsession for the internet. If you think they are obsessed with the internet because they find recent updates of Joyce Meyer or Creflo Dollar then you are far much mistaken!

Desperation is at its peak among the younger generation. Girls are more than willing to do anything under the sun to have beauty which seems to exist only in their imagination; a flawless face, smooth light skin, long eye lashes, a good pair of breasts with proportional sitting apparatus and well-maintained hair. Can somebody tell them God did His job perfectly and that they need not bother redoing the creation? This desperation seems to have been brought by fear of the unknown.

The other thing that has corrupted the morals of today’s society is the so-called human rights - the perfect ingredients for a rotten society. These rights have done more harm than good; they are shaking the foundations on which our society is built.

First, it has seen the rise in the number of brothels, gays, lesbians and prostitutes just to name but a few. Secondly, it has made our kids hard-headed, arrogant and rebellious with their lips full of “haki yetu” chants. If we have to salvage our society we ought to scrap the phrase “haki yetu” from our minds and replace it with something like “jamii yetu” or anything of that sort.

The simple, understandable and courteous language that I was used to back then when I was a kid is long gone. It has been replaced with a complex, coded and in most cases vulgar language. Where the youth get such words only heaven knows.

It is up to you and me to change our society, to straighten our crooked ways and try be morally upright. It was not the devil that caused the erosion of our morals, but we did. Therefore, the angels in heaven will not descend to put things right if we do not change for the better.

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