Thursday, April 4, 2013


From News Desk

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology and University of Eldoret, are set to hold its annual student elections tomorrow.

New leaders for MMUSO(mmust) and UESO(uoe) are likely to be known by tomorrow's midnight.

Meanwhile, MUSO chair, Mr. Dhogana, has broken silence on the impending elections. He says he is willing to dissolve the current office come next semester.

"Am going dissolve so long as there is an amicable solution on the matter," he said earlier on. He now wants students and SGC to deliberate on how and when the elections should be held.

"Am opposed to two holding elections as suggested in some querters since there is likelihood of instability, " Mr. Doghana. But he was quick to say that he will respect decision made by students.

The MUSO leader now wants students to give views on how to strengthen the union. Already, he urges student fratenity to visit his office so that they know how to improve on the exercise.

"I will need at least 20-30 bona fide members after 15th of this month to discuss with the current SGC," The senior student concluded.

Currently, the Students Governing Council is made up of 10 elected office bearers. The posts are: Chair, Sec Gen,Vice chair, Finance, Catering, Security and Accommodation, Sports and Games, Health, Academics and Asst. Sec Gen.

However, the post of MUSO's Editor-in-Chief remains vacant, after the controversial cancellation of appointment of a nominee.

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